- English
- Deutsch
- Français
- Nederlands
- Italiano
- Español
- Slovenščina
- Polski
- Svenska
- Suomi
- Български
- Ελληνικά
- Hrvatski
- Section IA - Presentation of the Guide EN version C
- 1.2 Flexibility_EN_version_A.pdf
- 1.3 Example of personalisation of the Guide_EN_version_A.pdf
- 1.4 Example of personalisation of the Guide_FR_version_A.pdf
- 1.5 Example of personalisation of the Guide_EN_version_A.pdf
- 1.6 Example of personalisation of the Guide_ES_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section II - Good Hygiene Practises_EN_version_A.pdf
- 2.1 Are there microbes in my dairy_EN_version_B.pdf
- 2.2 Contact materials_EN_version_A.pdf
- 2.3 Premises and equipment_EN_version_A.pdf
- 2.4 Buying and making equipment_EN_version_A.pdf
- 2.5 Maintenance of equipment_EN_version_A.pdf
- 2.6 Chemical hazards_EN_version_A.pdf
- 2.7 Physical hazards_EN_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section III - Good Manufacturing Practises_EN_version_A.pdf
- 3.1 Technical sheet 1 Cultures_EN_version_A.pdf
- 3.2 Technical sheet 2 Cultures from milk_EN_version_B.pdf
- 3.3 Technical sheet 3 Cultures from whey_EN_version_A.pdf
- 3.4 Coagulants_EN_version_A.pdf
- 3.5 Salting and Brining_EN_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section V - HACCP based plans_EN_version_B.pdf
- 5.1 Monitoring procedures_EN_version_A.pdf
- 5.2 Dynamic changes in acidity_EN_version_B.pdf
- 5.3b Instruction on titratable acidity_EN_version_A.pdf
- 5.4b pH measurement - instruction_EN_version_A.pdf
- 5.5 Practical training on buffer capacity_EN_version_A.pdf
- 5.6 Surface sampling_EN_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section VII - Self-Monitoring_EN_version_B.pdf
- 7.1 Difference sampling during production or for validation EN version B
- 7.2 Factsheet limitations of microbiological sampling_EN_version_A.pdf
- 7.3 Excercise on limitations of microbiological sampling_EN_version_A.pdf
- 7.4 How to set up a sampling plan - training - _EN_version_A.pdf
- 7.5 Sampling strategies_EN_version_A.pdf
- 7.6a Hazard prevention plan EN version B
- 7.6b Prevention Plan to be completed_EN_version A.pdf
- 7.7 Group work on self monitoring milk_EN_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section VIII - Non Conformity Management EN version B
- 8.1 Questions for discussion recall - withdrawal_EN_version_A.pdf
- 8.2 Sources of contamination_EN_version_A.pdf
- 8.3 Growth limits of pathogens_EN_version_A.pdf
- 8.4 Example of registration of non-conformities and corrective actions_EN_Version_A.pdf
- 8.5 Example of registration of non-conformities and corrective actions_EN_Version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- 9.1 How to use Kahoot EN version B
- 9.10 Summary FROM 2017-EFSA_Journal-Epidemiology.pdf
- 9.2 List of shelflife studies and challenge tests_EN_version_B.pdf
- 9.3 How to build a sampling plan - example 1 (FR).pdf
- 9.4 How to build a sampling plan - example 2.pdf
- 9.5 Guide to pH measurement by Mettler Toledo.pdf
- 9.6 Literature references on barriers for growth of pathogens in raw milk_EN_A.pdf
- 9.7 Probability tables_EN_version_A.pdf
- 9.8 Preparation for farm visit_EN_version_A.pdf
- 9.9 Traditional materials - authorisation procedures.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Abschnitt_IA_Vorstellung_der_Leitlinie_L_13212.pdf
- 1.2_Flexibilitaet_B_13448.pdf
- 1.3_Umsetzung_Leitlinie_C_13449.pdf
- 1.4 Beispiel_fuer_betriebliche_Umsetzung_der_Leitlinie_FR_A.pdf
- 1.5 Beispiel_fuer_betriebliche_Umsetzung_der_Leitlinie_EN_A.pdf
- 1.6 Beispiel_fuer_betriebliche_Umsetzung_der_Leitlinie_ES_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Abschnitt_II_Gute_Hygiene_Praxis_G_13214.pdf
- 2.1_Keime_in_meiner_Kaeserei_E_13453.pdf
- 2.2_Kontaktmaterialien_B_13454.pdf
- 2.3_Gebaeude_Arbeitsgeraete_B_13455.pdf
- 2.4_Kauf_u_Herstellung_von_Arbeitsgeraeten_C_13456.pdf
- 2.5_Wartung_von_Arbeitsgeraeten_B_13457.pdf
- 2.6_Chemische_Gefahren_E_13458.pdf
- 2.7_Physikalische_Gefahren_C_13459.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Abschnitt_V_HACCP-gestuetzte_Plaene_H_13216.pdf
- 5.1_Eigenkontrollmassnahmen_B_13467.pdf
- 5.2_Dynamische_Veraenderungen_der_Säure_B_13468.pdf
- 5.3b_Anleitung_Titrierbare_Saeure_H_13474.pdf
- 5.4b_Anleitung_pH_Wert_D_13475.pdf
- 5.5_Gruppenarbeit_Pufferkapazitaet_E_13471.pdf
- 5.6_Probennahme_Oberflaechen_C_13473.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Abschnitt_VII_Eigenkontrollmassnahmen_D_13217.pdf
- 7.1_Verifikation_Eigenkontrolle_U_13479.pdf
- 7.2_Infoblatt_Grenzen_mikrobiologischer_Probennahme_E_13480.pdf
- 7.3_Infoblatt_Grenzen_mikrobiologischer_Probennahme_D_13481.pdf
- 7.4_Gruppenarbeit_Probenplan_erstellen_C_13482.pdf
- 7.5_Strategie_Probennahme_I_13483.pdf
- 7.6a_Praeventionsplan_G_13484.pdf
- 7.6b_Praeventionsplan_leer_B_13533.pdf
- 7.7_Gruppenarbeit_Eigenkontrollmassnahmen_Milchqualitaet_E_13485.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Abschnitt_VIII_Havariemanagement_C_13219.pdf
- 8.1_Diskussionsfragen_Rueckruf_Ruecknahme_C_13487.pdf
- 8.2_Kontaminationsquellen_D_13488.pdf
- 8.3_Wachstumsgrenzen_von_Pathogenen_C_13489.pdf
- 8.4_Beispiel_01_Dokumentation_Abweichung_Korrekturmassnahmen_G_13492.pdf
- 8.5_Beispiel_02_Dokumentation_Abweichung_Korrekturmassnahmen_G_13491.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section III - Bonnes Pratiques Fabrication_FR_version_A.pdf
- 3.1 Fiche technique 1 Les ferments_FR_version_A.pdf
- 3.2 Fiche technique 2 Les Ferments à partir de lait_FR_version_B.pdf
- 3.3 Fiche technique 3 Les ferments à partir de lactosérum_FR_version_A.pdf
- 3.4 Les Coagulants_FR_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section VII - Autocontrôles_FR_version_B.pdf
- 7.1 Difference vérification et analyses pendant le process_FR_version_A.pdf
- 7.2 Fiche technique Les limites de l'échantillonnage microbiologique_FR_version_A.pdf
- 7.5 Strategies d'échantillonage_FR_version_A.pdf
- 7.6a Plan de prévention des riques_FR_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Sectie III - Goede Productie Praktijken (GMP) NL versie A
- 3.1 Technologisch informatieblad 1 Cultures NL versie A
- 3.2 Technologisch informatieblad 2 Cultures uit melk NL versie A
- 3.3 Technologisch informatieblad 3 Cultures uit wei NL versie A
- 3.4 Coagulanten NL versie A
- 3.5 Zouten en pekelen NL versie A
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Sectie VIII - Management van afwijkingen NL versie B
- 8.1 Discussievragen terugroepen - uit de handel nemen NL versie A
- 8.4 Voorbeeld registratie afwijkingen en corrigerende maatregelen NL Versie A
- 8.5 Voorbeeld registratie van afwijken en corrigerede maatregelen NL Versie A
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section IA - Presentation of the Guide final.pdf
- 1.2 Prilagodljivost - olajšave final.pdf
- 1.3 Primer uporabe smernic DHP_final.pdf
- 1.4 Example of personalisation of the Guide_FR_version_A.pdf
- 1.5 Example of personalisation of the Guide_EN_version_A sara Novo leto.pdf
- 1.6 Example of personalisation of the Guide_ES_version_A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Section II - Dobra higienska praksa-final.pdf
- 2.1 So v moji sirarni mikroorganizmi - final.pdf
- 2.2. Kontaktni materiali - final.pdf
- 2.3 Prostori in oprema verzija A final.pdf
- 2.4.Nakup in izdelava opreme verzija A final.pdf
- 2.5 Vzdrževanje opreme - final.pdf
- 2.6 Kemična tveganja - final.pdf
- 2.7 Fizikalna tveganja - final.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Del VII - Egenkontroll
- 7.1 Skillnad mellan Verifiering och Analyser under osttillverkningsprocessen
- 7.2 Faktablad - Begränsningarna med mikrobiologisk provtagning
- 7.3 Utbildningsövning - "Mikrobiologisk bingo"
- 7.4 Hur skapar jag en provtagningsplan? - Utbildning
- 7.5 Provtagningsstrategier
- 7.6a Förebyggande plan vid faror
- 7.6b Förebyggande plan att fylla i
- 7.7 Enkla metoder för att kontrollera mjölkkvaliteten och produktionsprocessen - Grupparbete
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Del VIII - Avvikelsehantering
- 8.1 Diskussionsfrågor Tillbakadragande - Återkallelse?
- 8.2 Källor till kontaminering
- 8.3 Tillväxtgränser för patogener
- 8.4 Exempel - registrering av avvikelser och korrigerande åtgärder
- 8.5 Exempel - Registrering av avvikelser och korrigerande åtgärder
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Sekcija II - Dobra Higijenska Praksa_HR_verzija_A.pdf
- 2.1 Ima li MO u mojoj sirani_HR_Verzija B.pdf
- 2.2 Kontaktni materijal_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 2.3 Prostorije i oprema_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 2.4 Kupnja i izrada opreme_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 2.5 Održavanje opreme_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 2.6 Kemijske opasnosti_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 2.7 Fizičke opasnosti_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Sekcija III - Dobra Proizvodna Praksa_HR_verzija_A.pdf
- 3.1 Radni list 1 - Kulture_HR_verzija A.pdf
- 3.2 Radni list 2 - Kulture iz mlijeka_HR_Verzija B.pdf
- 3.3 Radni list 4 - Kulture iz sirutke_HR_verzija A.pdf
- 3.4 Koagulanti_HR_verzija A.pdf
- 3.5 Soljenje i salamurenje_HR_verzija A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Sekcija V - Planovi temeljeni na HACCP načelima_HR_verzija_B.pdf
- 5.1 Postupci nadzora_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 5.2 Dinamične promjene kiselosti_HR_Verzija B.pdf
- 5.3b Titracijska kiselost - uputa_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 5.4b pH mjerenje - uputa_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 5.5 Vježba puferskog kapaciteta_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 5.6 Uzorkovanje s površina_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- Sekcija VII - Samonadzor_HR_verzija_B.pdf
- 7.1 Razlike uzorkovanja_proizvodnja_validacija_HR_Verzija B.pdf
- 7.2 Radni list o ograničenjima uzorkovanja_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 7.3 Vježba o ograničenjima uzorkovanja_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 7.4 Kako uspostaviti plan uzorkovanja - vježba_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 7.5 Strategija uzorkovanja_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 7.6a Plan prevencije opasnosti_HR_Verzija B.pdf
- 7.6b Plan preventivnih mjera_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 7.7 Grupni rad - samonadzor mlijeka_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- SEKCIJA VIII - Upravljanje nesukladnostima_HR_verzija B.pdf
- 8.1 Rsprava_Povlačenje ili Opoziv_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 8.2 Izvori kontaminacije_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 8.3 Granice rasta patogena_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- 8.4 Nesukladnosti_1_Zapisnik.pdf
- 8.4 Nesukladnosti_2_Specifikacija.pdf
- 8.4 Nesukladnosti_3_Ključ FSMS-a.pdf
- 8.4 Nesukladnosti_4_Zapisi o proizvodnji.pdf
- 8.5 Primjer zapisnika nesukladnosti_HR_Verzija A.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive
- HR_9.1 Kako koristiti Kahoot_HR_verzija_B.pdf
- HR_9.2 Lista studija rokova trajanja_HR_verzija_B.pdf
- HR_9.6 Literatura_prepreke rasta patogena u sirovom mlijeku_HR_A.pdf
- HR_9.7 Tablice vjerojatnosti_HR_verzija_A.pdf
- HR_9.8 Priprema posjeta farmi_HR_verzija_A.pdf
- HR_9.9 Tradicionalni materijali - procedure autorizacije.pdf
- All documents in a ZIP archive